Department History



Department's History


Department of Geophysics was established at Eötvös University in 1951 by Prof. László Egyed. His heritage is reflected by the notion that both in education and research, studies of the physical and geological processes of the Earth and applied geophysics focusing on mineral resources and exploration are intervowen.

Since the 60s the research of the solid Earth has been complemented by studies of the outer space. In the last two decades, our Space Research Group has reached remarkable results in development and application of satellite data systems and remote sensing.

Between 1951 and 2007, more than 350 students graduated in geophysics. Most of them have been employed in the Hungarian job market. Others have international carrier mostly at oil companies evidencing the high-quality of the educational system.

A brief summary of the history of Department of Geophysics was given by Prof. Frank Horváth on the 50th anniversary of the department in 2001.


program of the anniversary

photos of the ceremony

memorandum of association

• the Eötvös University campus in the past and now



Department's Graduates


Geophysics Department's Graduates


Our graduates who obtained PhD